Classic Shop

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We are a Community 

a resource for our local businesses

Founded in May 1990

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Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club…

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Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club…

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Voted Best Club

of District 6930


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Royal Palm Beach Rotary 

effecting positive changes 


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Join us soon in the Metaverse!

We will be launching rotary rpb Metaverse club!

[button text=”Access VR Meeting” link=”″]



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[testimonial image_width=”117″ name=”Sam” company=”Business Owner”]

I am so proud to be a member of the royal Palm Beach Rotary club. My business and I have benefited greatly from all the networking sessions. I also love what the Rotary has done to help the community locally and abroad.



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[testimonial image_width=”131″ name=”Anthony” company=”Business Owner”]

These are great people and great leaders of our community in Royal Palm Beach. 




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[page_header title=”Join the RPB Rotary Metaverse E-Club Launching Soon!”]

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get in touch

Connecting People is what we do. The Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club cordially invites you to connect with us and ask us any questions you want and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Meet The Board




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Why Support 
The Rotary Foundation




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Our History






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